Iltapäivällä kehräsin pitkästä aikaa alpakkaa. Aivan jumalaisen pehmeää ja todella hyvin puhdistettua ja karstattua kuitua, jonka sain Sannalta. Ihana istua ulkona ja kehrätä. Kehräsin koko sata gramman satsin yhdeltä istumalta, aika paksuksi langaksi (120 m/100 g), kun siitä pitäisi tulla Sannan tytölle lapaset. Issikat avustivat. Ja oli kuuma. Ja ih....., no niin, te ehkä arvaattekin. Ja huomenna tiedossa väriterapiaa Tiinan luona :)
Le printemps est arrivé! Une journée chaude, magnifique, et la rencontre d'une amie qui élève des alpagas. J'ai filé cent grammes de ses fibres très fines et soigneusement préparées. Un vrai plaisir et très thérapeutique. Et demain je vais faire des teintures avec une autre amie. C'est beau la vie, parfois.
Nice, warm, sunny day. Spring is definitely here although it's not very green yet, as you can see by the pictures. I got some beautiful, well prepared alpaca fibres from a friend who was showing her alpacas at a local fair near my home, and spun the fibres right away. A pleasure, I tell you. I'm not charging her anything although I have to send the yarn back to her so she can knit mittens for her daughter. I'm secretly hoping that the yarn I made is too thick for mittens, I would be so glad to spin some more of that same stuff.
On the way home from the fair, I stopped at a local coffee house by the canal, in Naissaari, to see if it would be suitable for a spinning café. It would, the owners were pretty excited by the idea actually. To my great surprise, I found a copy of Gladys Thompson's book in the shop, and couldn't help buying it. I've been intrigued by traditional guernsey patterns for some time now but not willing to order any books from abroad.
A most therapeutic day, I must say. And more therapy to come tomorrow. I'm going to see a friend in town and we'll dye some yarn.
1 kommentti:
No voi ny... ei mitään tietoa tällaisesta tapahtumasta! Har-mit-taa.
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