
Ha ha he he hi hi

Two cows are sitting in a tree, knitting.

One turns to the other and says, "Did you just see that horse fly by?"

The other cow, who was concentrating on her knitting replies, "Don't talk rubbish, horses can't fly."

A few minutes later, the first cow spots another flying horse, and repeats her question to her friend, whereupon she receives the same reply.

A little while later the sceptical cow spots a horse as well, "I just saw a flying horse!!"
"See, I told you there were horses flying about."
"Oh, there must be a nest close by!!"

(From: Big Dave's Cow Pages)

Deux vaches sont perchées dans un arbre. La première lit un livre, la seconde tricote.
La première lève les yeux et aperçoit un cheval qui vole. Elle interpelle sa copine qui tricote :
- Hé! Tu as vu? Un cheval qui vole!
- Ah, ouais! répond la vache qui tricote.
Dix minutes plus tard, la vache qui lit, lève à nouveau les yeux et s'écrie:
- Regarde: il y a trois chevaux qui volent!
La seconde répond :
- C'est qu'il doit y avoir un nid dans un coin.

En fran
çais, voir aussi LaVache.com, le site des adorateurs de la vache!

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